segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

0120 - 01/01/2012

1. ACCEPT - Locked And Loaded (banda destaque)
2. ACCEPT - Fast As A Shark (banda destaque)
3. METALLICA - Battery
4. IRON MAIDEN - Be Quick Or Be Dead
6. LEVIÆTHAN - Drinkin'Death
7. PANTERA - Strenght Beyong Strenght
8. NAPALM DEATH - Suffer The Children
9. JUDAS PRIEST - Painkiller
10. MOTORHEAD - Rock Out
11. SLAYER - Captor Of Sin
12. BURN THE MANKIND - Human Decay
13. ANTHRAX - The Giant
14. TRISTANIA - Libre
15. OVERKILL - Bring Me The Night
16. VENON - Black Metal
17. WHIPLASH - Stage Dive
18. STRATOVA RIUS - Under Flaming Skies
19. CORONER - Masked Jackal
20. THERION - Cu Chulainn
21. TANKARD - Hot Dog Inferno
22. ELUVEITIE - Thousandfold
23. CHILDREN OF BODOM - The Final Countdown (banda destaque)

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